Sunday, June 18, 2006

Summer Sojourn

Our bags are packed and waiting by the foot of the stairs. All our tickets and booking information are in place. I'm loading about eight gig of songs on our player. All the stress from the past week seemed to melt away [we just launched two websites in three days--it's no fun, but everything came together and I went for a massage the following day for really tight neck and shoulders] as we wait with anticipation for our summer adventure to begin.

I've never been to HongKong, and I get reports from people who went there that it's very similar to Vancouver [Hong-Couver, as some people I know would sarcastically comment, but we shall not go there], but less cold and with more Chinese. Can't make judgments until we arrive there, but I'm definitely looking forward to more dimsum [yum!].

Tomorrow will be my first time to fly back to Asia after a year and a half of living and adjusting to Vancouver. My heart tells me that Vancouver is already my home, and Manila will now be a place I can look back to. But Manila! How is everyone in Manila? It's going to be a strange feeling for me to revisit old haunts and talk to old friends. That's what you get for having a brain in transition between two different cultures.

So with this last blog entry written in the dead of a summer's night in Vancouver [just a couple of days before the summer solstice], I hope to chronicle the sights, sounds, tastes and feelings in this Asian summer sojourn.


Travelling down this road
Watching the signs as I go
I think I'll follow my heart
It's a very good place to start

[Sky Fits Heaven / Madonna]


At 6/20/2006 01:26:00 p.m., Blogger kaishin said...

Hey Nelz,

I hope you are having a fabulous trip so far. I hope this trips brings you even more joy, clarity and strength in all it's experiences. Please keep us up to date with your postings!! it's fab!



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